This is the description area. You can write an introduction or add anything you want to tell your audience. This can help listeners better understand your podcast.
Welcome to Love Always, Self, a channel dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals to prioritize self-love and personal growth. Here, you’ll find a variety of videos on topics such as mindfulness, self-care, positive thinking, and more, all aimed at helping you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and live your best life. Join our community of like-minded individuals committed to creating a life filled with love, joy, and abundance. 👍🏽 Don’t forget to subscribe to never miss an episode! Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LoveAlwaysSelf Follow on FB & IG - @LoveAlwaysSelf Have a topic you would like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com Love Always, Self 💜
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
How do I become more aware of the self-love needs of my emotional body? What are self-love practices for the emotional body? How do I provide self-love for the emotional body?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra dive deeper into providing Self-Love to the different aspects of self. In this week’s episode, we take a more detailed look at the emotional body and how to learn about the needs of the emotional body and provide those needs to bring the body into greater harmony with all aspects of Self.
Resources Mentioned:
The Nation’s Health: Article by Teddi Nicolaus: “Learning to Love Yourself for a Healthier Life”
Goop: Article: “The Four Bodies - Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual”
Dr. Emoto’s Water Experiments: https://masaru-emoto.net/en/science-of-messages-from-water/
Watch about the Double Slit Experiment & the Observer Effect: Consciousness and the Quantum -The Double Slit Experiement
Read about the Double Slit Experiment & the Observer Effect: https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2020/05/26/observing-the-universe-really-does-change-the-outcome-and-this-experiment-shows-how/?sh=5f9fc68567af
Joanne Sacred Scribes Angel Number 22: http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.com/2011/06/angel-number-22.html
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
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Episode Suggestions:
Episode 94: Self-Love Practices For The Mental Body
Episode 93: Self-Love Practices For The Physical Body
Episode 92: What Does Self-Love Mean To You?
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 56: Being Spiritual Doesn’t Mean Only Being Positive
Episode 17: Is it Selfish or Is it Self Care; Discovering Self IS Important!
Episode 07: Insecurities & Authentic Self
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#selflove #selfcare #awareness #opportunity #shiftingperspectives #positiveaffirmations #rediscoverself #emotions #emotional #feelings #triggered #emotionalregulation #howdoyoufeel #angelnumbers #waterholdsmemory #love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
How do I become more aware of the self-love needs of my mental body? What are self-love practices for the mental body? How do I provide self-love for the mental body?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra dive deeper into providing Self-Love to the different aspects of self. In this week’s episode, we take a more detailed look at the mental body and how to learn about the needs of the mental body and provide those needs to bring the body into greater harmony with all aspects of Self.
The Nation’s Health: Article by : Learning to Love Yourself for a Healthier Life, by Teddi Nicolaus
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 91: The Shifting Nature Of Reality: Unexplained Phenomenon
Episode 90: How Do You Connect With And Live A Heart-Centered Life?
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 83: What Is Divine Timing And How Does It Work?
Episode 53: Opening The Akashic Records; Caroline Horne w/The Akashayana
Episode 39: How To Navigate Relational Self Care
Episode 31: Connect w/Source by Connecting w/Self
Episode 17: Is it Selfish or Is it Self Care; Discovering Self IS Important!
Episode 07: Insecurities & Authentic Self
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#selflove #selfcare #awareness #opportunity #shiftingperspectives #positiveaffirmations #rediscoverself #mental #loveyourmind #monkeymind #logic #calmthemind #create #manifest #patternsoflimitingbeliefs#love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
How do I become more aware of the self-love needs of my physical body? What are self-love practices for the physical body? How do I provide self-love for the physical body?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra dive deeper into providing Self-Love to the different aspects of self. In this week’s episode, we take a more detailed look at the physical body and how to learn about the needs of the physical body and provide those needs to bring the body into greater harmony with all aspects of Self.
The Nation’s Health: Article by : Learning to Love Yourself for a Healthier Life, by Teddi Nicolaus
Dr. Emoto’s Water Experiments: https://masaru-emoto.net/en/science-of-messages-from-water/
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
The People's Journey: Featuring Eden
Episode 91: The Shifting Nature Of Reality: Unexplained Phenomenon
Episode 67: The Power of Meditating; Does Meditation Improve Health?
Episode 39: How To Navigate Relational Self Care
Episode 37: Intuitive Living and Connecting Deeper with Self
Episode 20: It's Time To Play; Incorporating Play In Our Everyday Lives
Episode 17: Is it Selfish or Is it Self Care; Discovering Self IS Important!
Episode 07: Insecurities & Authentic Self
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#selflove #selfcare #compassion #releasejudgment #awareness #opportunity #noshame #acceptance #liftup #rediscoverself #physical #loveyourbody #dance #stressmanagement #diet #exercise #hydration #movement #growth #love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
How do you provide yourself with self-love? How do you fall in love with yourself? What does self-love mean to you?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra discuss what Self-Love means to each of them. Self-love and rediscovering how to give this to ourselves was a driving force in creating Love Always, Self. The co-hosts share different personal examples from their own journey in reconnecting with self and share how they have learned to express love to themselves.
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
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Episode Suggestions:
Episode 91: The Shifting Nature Of Reality: Unexplained Phenomenon
Episode 90: How Do You Connect With And Live A Heart-Centered Life?
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 83: What Is Divine Timing And How Does It Work?
Episode 78: Where Your Attention Goes Your Energy Flows; Be What You Want To See In The World
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 17: Is it Selfish or Is it Self Care; Discovering Self IS Important!
Episode 07: Insecurities & Authentic Self
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#selflove #selfcare #compassion #releasejudgment #growth #opportunity #noshame #pride #care #acceptance #liftup #patience #rediscover #rediscoverself #love #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Have you been experiencing unexplained phenomena? Is something shifting in nature? What if aliens are real?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra discuss the recent reports in the news about the phenomenon of increased activity of unidentified flying objects being shot down out of the sky. Also during the recording of this episode, the hosts play the “What If” game around the topic of aliens or life on other planets. While discussing unexplained phenomena, the shared experience of increased shifts in nature is evaluated, focusing on the abundance of blackbirds. The symbolism of blackbirds in different cultures is analyzed and provides a reminder that every perspective is multifaceted.
Check out this rollercoaster episode as our hosts have an authentic and fun conversation!
Resources Mentioned:
“Unacknowledged” Documentary by Steven Greer; IMDB
“Close Encounters of the 5th Kind” Documentary by Steven Greer; IMDB
Article “Blackbird Symbolism: 14 Spiritual Meanings of Blackbirds”
Innerbloom Podcast Interview with Shyra
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
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Episode Suggestions:
Episode 89: Preparation vs Fear Based Thinking; A Channeled Message
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 83: What Is Divine Timing And How Does It Work?
Episode 78: Where Your Attention Goes Your Energy Flows; Be What You Want To See In The World
Ep. 60: Holding Space For Others While Protecting Your Energy
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 17: Is it Selfish or Is it Self Care; Discovering Self IS Important!
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#aliens #UFOs #UAPs #unexplainedphenomenon #unexplained #whatif #aliensarereal #blackbirds #nature #Gaia #motherearth #spirits #orbs #highestandgreatestgood #shiftingperspectives #shiftinnature #authenticity #love #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
The People's Journey is a mini-series brought to you by Love Always, Self, where guests are invited to share their life experiences and the insights they have gained as they have worked to create greater awareness and connection with themselves on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.
In this episode, Karista & Shyra share space with a wonderful guest, Ambrosia Matthews. Ambrosia Matthews is a psychic medium, certified life coach, professional intuitive healer and co-founder and co-host of Innerbloom Podcast. Ambrosia Matthews is a healer and instructor in the areas of trauma healing, clearing emotional blockages and self-worth. With over 10 years of experience, Ambrosia has taken the lessons she has learned throughout her life and turned them into her life’s mission. Today, Ambrosia teaches others how to get out of their head and into their hearts by helping them embody their gifts.
Resources Mentioned:
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
The People's Journey: Featuring Alexa Jadd
Episode 87: Do Societal Norms Influence Our True Selves?
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 79: Normalizing Our Ability To Connect To The Unseen
Episode 78: Where Your Attention Goes Your Energy Flows; Be What You Want To See In The World
Episode 44: How To Use Spiritual Modalities For Inner Guidance
Episode 30: Creating A System of Magic
Episode 17: Is it Selfish or Is it Self Care; Discovering Self IS Important!:
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#psychic #intuitive #intuition #innerbloompodcast #psychicreadings #shaman #shamanism #Arch9 #interview #trauma #traumaresponse #copingskills #spiritguides #meditation #thepeoplesjourney #miniseries #spiritualjourney #yourjourney #enjoythejourney #connection #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
What does it mean to be heart-centered? What does connecting to your heart-center feel like? How do you connect with and live a heart-centered life?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra discuss what it means to them to feel and live a heart-centered life. Life examples of what it feels like to connect with your heart-center are provided and tips are given on how to connect with and live a heart-centered life.
Resources Mentioned:
How to connect with your body: From Episode 31: Connect w/Source by Connecting w/Self
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
The People's Journey: Ft. Adam Russell
Episode 83: What Is Divine Timing And How Does It Work?
Episode 78: Where Your Attention Goes Your Energy Flows; Be What You Want To See In The World
Ep. 60: Holding Space For Others While Protecting Your Energy
Episode 56: Being Spiritual Doesn’t Mean Only Being Positive
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#love #heart #heartcenter #heartcentered #heartspace #joy #laughter #gratitude #compassion #peace #grace #forgiveness #support #acceptance #love #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
How are you feeling in today’s energy? Have you been experiencing a feeling of needing to prepare? What is the difference between using intuitive information to prepare and living in fear?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra discuss thoughts and feelings they’ve been experiencing regarding the need to learn to live more self-sustainably and more cleanly. In today’s discussion they review learning to discern the difference between fear-based thinking and intuitive prompts to prepare.
Shyra provides a channeled message discussing preparing self and the physical body, listening to and cleansing your physical and mental bodies, living healthier and in greater balance with the Earth, and working together within our communities.
Resources Mentioned:
How to connect with your body: From Episode 31: Connect w/Source by Connecting w/Self
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 78: Where Your Attention Goes Your Energy Flows; Be What You Want To See In The World
Episode 56: Being Spiritual Doesn’t Mean Only Being Positive
Episode 51: Diving Into The Subconscious & Astrology; Thomas Miller w/Fun Astrology Podcast
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#intuition #preparation #fearbasedthinking #prepare #sustainability #selfpreparedness #selfsustainability #gaia #cleanse #listentoyourbody #aspectsofself #bodycheckin #health #community #unity #energy #nesting #earth #motherearth #nurture #love #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
The People's Journey is a mini-series brought to you by Love Always, Self, where guests are invited to share their life experiences and the insights they have gained as they have worked to create greater awareness and connection with themselves on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.
In this episode, Karista & Shyra share space with a wonderful guest, Adam Russell. Adam is an ecologist, explorer, and educator. For a decade he was an educator for Remote Medical International where he has worked with human and land-health in remote locations around the world since 2006. He has worked to regenerate land with the use of the Holistic Management framework, Regrarians platform, Permaculture, earthworks, biodynamics, pyramids, and Homa farming practices which include biofertilizers and agnihotra. He seeks to build a knowledge base of how we can work to release the potential from under-utilized lands. Adam’s current projects include broad-scale soil and atmospheric regeneration and the spread of available solutions through his work with Symbiosis.
Follow along, as Adam takes us on a journey through significant moments & experiences that have led him to developing a deep relationship with the Earth, the Universe, and his own inner Being.
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
The People's Journey: Featuring Alexa Jadd
The People's Journey: Featuring Lance
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 78: Where Your Attention Goes Your Energy Flows; Be What You Want To See In The World
Episode 77: Rooting Ourselves In A Foundation Of Love; A Channeled Message
Episode 44: How To Use Spiritual Modalities For Inner Guidance
Episode 30: Creating A System of Magic
Episode 23: Get Down and Ground; The Benefits of Practicing Grounding
Episode 20: It's Time To Play; Incorporating Play In Our Everyday Lives
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#thepeoplesjourney #miniseries #spiritualjourney #yourjourney #pyramids #earth #gaia #energy #alchemy #consent #flow #grounding #physical #mental #spiritual #inthewild #mountainclimbing #adventure #earthworks #biodynamics #ecology #elements #fire #water #air #nature #energycenters #dowsing #dowsingrods #agnihotra #spiritual #wings #connection #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
What is ChatGPT? Is ChatGPT sentient? How does ChatGPT respond to topics that are not widely accepted?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra discuss testing out the new AI system, ChatGPT. Karista shares a debate she had with ChatGPT about Astrology.
Ultimately, use your discernment and trust your intuition. Stay curious and question whether something feels “right”
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 81: Taking Action Towards Your Future Self
Episode 78: Where Your Attention Goes Your Energy Flows; Be What You Want To See In The World
Episode 56: Being Spiritual Doesn’t Mean Only Being Positive
Episode 51: Diving Into The Subconscious & Astrology; Thomas Miller w/Fun Astrology Podcast
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#ChatGPT #AI #artificialintelligence #discernement #astrology #discussion #debate #MLM #machinelearningmodel #useyourdiscernment #love #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
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