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Welcome to Love Always, Self, a channel dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals to prioritize self-love and personal growth. Here, you’ll find a variety of videos on topics such as mindfulness, self-care, positive thinking, and more, all aimed at helping you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and live your best life. Join our community of like-minded individuals committed to creating a life filled with love, joy, and abundance. 👍🏽 Don’t forget to subscribe to never miss an episode! Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LoveAlwaysSelf Follow on FB & IG - @LoveAlwaysSelf Have a topic you would like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com Love Always, Self 💜
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
In this episode of Love Always, Self Podcast, Shyra & Karista explore the fascinating topic of meeting your spirit guides and allowing them to guide you in your journey.
They discuss the profound connection between individuals and their spirit guides. Discover the valuable guidance, support, and insights they can offer, helping you navigate life's complexities with clarity and purpose.
Throughout the episode, they share personal stories and experiences that highlight the impact of meeting and engaging with spirit guides. Learn how to cultivate a meaningful relationship with your guides, enriching your spiritual growth, self-awareness, and connection to the perceived world around you.
Dr. Emoto’s Water Experiments: https://masaru-emoto.net/en/science-of-messages-from-water/
Tarot Deck used in today’s episode:Moonology Oracle Deck by Yasmin Boland: https://amzn.to/3zFMlWD
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website! https://www.lovealwaysself.com/amazon-favorites
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 42: Pt. 2 - Channeled Messages from Guide: Brady; After The Channeled Message
Episode 42: Pt.1 - Channeled Messages From Guide: Brady
Episode 77: Rooting Ourselves In A Foundation Of Love; A Channeled Message
Take a Deep Breath, You Got This!
Earth School: Lessons for Soul Growth and Universal Connectedness
Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Divine Living: Style & Decor! Embrace your space! https://www.divinelivingstyledecor.com/
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#SpiritGuides #GuidedJourney #SelfDiscovery #SpiritualGrowth #PersonalStories ##SpriitualInsights #SelfAwareness #ConnectionToSpirit #imagery #guides #angels #channeling #guidedmessages #intuition #meditation #raiseyourvibration #daydream #takeaction #manifestation#love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss the importance of giving yourself grace, recognizing when you need to say “no,” remove to-do’s off your plate, and take a break.
They discuss techniques like block scheduling and setting boundaries, for staying organized and improving productivity while still incorporating small breaks to be able to give back energy to yourself. Whether you take a weekend retreat or take 5 minutes for meditation or deep breathing, taking care of yourself is a priority.
You will also gain different perspectives and insights about how we are feeling can affect others and learn about the importance of determining what tasks or areas of your life you can practice releasing control and letting go.
Check it out:
Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website! https://www.lovealwaysself.com/amazon-favorites
Episode Suggestions:
Techniques for Manifestation & Reality Shifting
Rising Above Disaster: Lessons In Patience & Communication
Rising Above Disaster: Lessons in Gratitude and Resilience
Take a Deep Breath, You Got This!
Is it Selfish or Is it Self Care; Discovering Self IS Important!
Earth School: Lessons for Soul Growth and Universal Connectedness
Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#SelfCare #GracefulLiving #ProductivityTips #SettingBoundaries #BalancedLife #TakingBreaks #MentalWellness #PersonalGrowth #SelfLove #LettingGo #slowdown #boundarysetting #anxiety #giveyourselfgrace #relax #retreat #reconnect #meditation #blockscheduling #challenges #sayNo #love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss several facets of manifestation and shifting realities. In addition to using our voice and setting intentions, visualization supports our manifesting powers. They review several lessons they have learned in the past couple of days, including the need to just get started without expecting perfection from the get go, how sometimes you just have to re-do the assignment, learning to let go and find gratitude in tough situations.
Try out this 10 Minute Reality Shift Meditation by Brian Scott.
Check it out:
Tarot Deck used in today’s episode: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris Anne: https://amzn.to/3gIkE9e
Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website! https://www.lovealwaysself.com/amazon-favorites
Episode Suggestions:
Rising Above Disaster: Lessons in Gratitude and Resilience
Take a Deep Breath, You Got This!
Earth School: Lessons for Soul Growth and Universal Connectedness
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 73: Shifting Perspectives; Deciding On The Perspective
Episode 24: Raise Your Vibration; Understanding and Practicing Gratitude
Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#manifestation #meditation #visualization #pets #redo #retrograde #gratitude #anxiety #giveyourselfgrace #transmutationofenergy #lessonsforgrowth #love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss current personal events and how practicing patience, especially in communicating with others, is an important tool in navigating stressful events.
In this episode, Karista shares her continued recent experiences with extreme weather events which keep putting her home at risk for flooding. In this discussion Shyra & Karista review different lessons that have been garnered through stressful life events, and what continues to be brought forward to practice and develop resilience through.
Check it out:
Tarot Deck used in today’s episode: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris Anne: https://amzn.to/3gIkE9e
Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website! https://www.lovealwaysself.com/amazon-favorites
Episode Suggestions:
Rising Above Disaster: Lessons in Gratitude and Resilience
Take a Deep Breath, You Got This!
Earth School: Lessons for Soul Growth and Universal Connectedness
Discover the Power of Compassion: How Cultivating Empathy Transforms Your Relationships & Well-being
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 73: Shifting Perspectives; Deciding On The Perspective
Episode 24: Raise Your Vibration; Understanding and Practicing Gratitude
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#communication #activelistening #patience #gratitude #fear #anxiety #intuition #insight #guidance #stress #resilience #innerguidance #listentoyourgut #selfforgiveness #stepback #homeownershipishard #earthschool #love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss current personal events and how finding gratitude and silver linings can assist in carrying you through.
In this episode, Karista shares her recent experience with an extreme weather event which caused rising waters to flood into her home. She shares about the details of the flood event, mold and damage mitigation efforts, and how she coped through the immediate events.
Karista shares how she was able to find the positive through this tough situation and lessons she learned from the event. . She discusses how it brought her and her spouse closer through teamwork, the gratitude she experienced for her community, and her reflections of this event vs past events.
Check it out:
Tarot Deck used in today’s episode:
The Phyhttps://amzn.to/3No6Vm2
Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website! https://www.lovealwaysself.com/amazon-favorites
Episode Suggestions:
Love Always, Self Presents The People’s Journey: A Playlist
Discover the Power of Compassion: How Cultivating Empathy Transforms Your Relationships & Well-being
Earth School: Lessons for Soul Growth and Universal Connectedness
Episode 90: How Do You Connect With And Live A Heart-Centered Life?
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 73: Shifting Perspectives; Deciding On The Perspective
Episode 65: Redefining What Success Means To You
Episode 24: Raise Your Vibration; Understanding and Practicing Gratitude
In Moments of Need, You Are Never Alone
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#positive #positivity #gratitude #silverlinings #tragedy #flood #teamwork #community #communitysupport #cometogether #action #home#love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
What does it mean to feel like justice has been served? Are we meant to experience justice? How does justice relate to spirituality?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista explore the concept of justice and its relationship to spirituality.
First, they examine the emotions that come with witnessing justice being served, such as relief, satisfaction, and even a sense of closure, as well as the potential drawbacks of feeling a sense of justice, such as the temptation to seek revenge or a false sense of security that justice has been fully served.
Then they consider the question of whether we are even meant to experience justice by exploring the idea that justice is an external concept that is often difficult to fully achieve in reality. Also discussed is how personal beliefs and values influence perceptions of justice and how these beliefs can be in conflict with each other.
Finally, they reflect on the practical application of justice and how it relates to spirituality. They discuss how justice can be implemented at different levels, from the individual to the collective, and how spirituality can be a guide in this process. They explore the role of forgiveness, compassion, and empathy in the pursuit of justice and how these qualities can be cultivated through spiritual practice. They discuss how spirituality can provide a sense of meaning and purpose to the pursuit of justice and how justice can help to manifest spiritual ideals in the world.
Overall, this episode encourages listeners to consider the complexities of justice and its relationship to spirituality. We invite listeners to reflect on their own beliefs and experiences in relation to these concepts and to consider how they can contribute to the pursuit of justice in their own lives and communities.
Check it out:
Tarot Deck used in today’s episode:
Moonology Oracle Deck by Yasmin Boland: https://amzn.to/3zFMlWD
Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website! https://www.lovealwaysself.com/amazon-favorites
Minds event! Destiny, Alex Jones, Bryan Callen Debate!
Episode Suggestions:
Discover the Power of Compassion: How Cultivating Empathy Transforms Your Relationships & Well-being
Earth School: Lessons for Soul Growth and Universal Connectedness
Episode 90: How Do You Connect With And Live A Heart-Centered Life?
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 73: Shifting Perspectives; Deciding On The Perspective
Episode 65: Redefining What Success Means To You
Episode 24: Raise Your Vibration; Understanding and Practicing Gratitude!
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#justice #freedom #forgiveness #compassion #empathy #uncomfortalbeconversations #polarized #fair #equitable #equality #karma #healing #conversations #activelistening #love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
What is the human condition? Why is it important to develop compassion for the human condition? How do we develop compassion for the human condition?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista talk about developing compassion for the human condition. They start by discussing the fact that everyone experiences suffering in their lives, and how this is a universal experience. They continue to explain how developing compassion can help us to better understand and connect with others, and how this can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling relationships.
Shyra & Karista talk about how practicing compassion can help us to become more resilient in the face of difficult circumstances, and how it can improve our overall sense of well-being. They offer several practical tips for developing compassion, such as practicing empathy, actively listening to others, and being kind to ourselves and others.
Throughout this episode, the co-hosts emphasize the importance of cultivating a sense of connectedness and empathy with others, and how this can ultimately lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in our lives. Overall, this episode encourages the audience to embrace compassion as a way of life and to use it as a tool for creating positive change in the world.
Check it out!
Tarot Deck used in today’s episode:
The Light Seers Tarot by Chris Anne https://amzn.to/3gIkE9e
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
Earth School: Lessons for Soul Growth and Universal Connectedness
Find Your Balance: The Importance of Play and Shadow Work for a Fulfilling Life | Channeled Message
Episode 85: Shifting Perspectives; Removing The Veil Of The Illusion Of Separation
Episode 65: Redefining What Success Means To You
Episode 37: Intuitive Living and Connecting Deeper with Self
Episode 24: Raise Your Vibration; Understanding and Practicing Gratitude!
Episode 11: Affirm Your Reality; Differences Between Affirmations & Afformations
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#compassion #empathy #humanity #kindness #relationships #selfcare #awareness #personaldevelopment #spirituality #interconnectedness #selfcompassion #positiveaffirmations #Iam #gratitude #love #wellbeing #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
What does Earth School mean? What lessons did you come to learn at Earth School? How do you graduate from Earth School?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss the concept of this life on Earth as a school for our soul to garner experiences to assist the soul in it’s growth, expansion, awareness, and understanding of separateness to better grasp our universal connectedness and oneness with “I Am.”
Throughout the episode, we'll explore topics such as:
The concept of "Earth School" and what it means for our spiritual growth
How challenges and obstacles can be viewed as opportunities for learning and growth
The role of interconnectedness and oneness in our spiritual journeys
The importance of mindfulness and self-reflection in our spiritual practices
Practical tips and techniques for deepening our connection to the universe and our true selves
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
Find Your Balance: The Importance of Play and Shadow Work for a Fulfilling Life | Channeled Message
Episode 96: Self-Love Practices For The Spiritual Body
Episode 89: Preparation vs Fear Based Thinking; A Channeled Message
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 65: Redefining What Success Means To You
Episode 51: Diving Into The Subconscious & Astrology; Thomas Miller w/Fun Astrology Podcast
Episode 37: Intuitive Living and Connecting Deeper with Self
Episode 24: Raise Your Vibration; Understanding and Practicing Gratitude!
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#soulgrowth #universalconnectedness #oneness #spiritualgrowth #lifelessons #earthschool #purpose #hope #IAm #graduation #awareness #expansion #observation #selfimprovement #love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra shares a channeled message through one of Karista’s guides. Various topics are covered in this episode:
The importance of both shadow work and play; pausing the mental and emotional work to enjoy the physical world and just be in the moment
Activating the light body
Spiritual bypassing; what it is, and how to recognize it
How your brain filters your senses and you can sometimes experience false sensory perceptions
Stories of manifestations
The importance of forgiveness and how pride can impede letting go
The importance of play and enjoying playful moments, how playfulness can assist in connecting with your MT GLASS.
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 96: Self-Love Practices For The Spiritual Body
Episode 95: Self-Love Practices For The Emotional Body
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 79: Normalizing Our Ability To Connect To The Unseen
Episode 56: Being Spiritual Doesn’t Mean Only Being Positive
Episode 24: Raise Your Vibration; Understanding and Practicing Gratitude!
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#channel #channeledmessage #spirit #playful #enjoylife #aura #raiseyourvibe #senses #manifest #pride #letgo #love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
How do I become more aware of the self-love needs of my spiritual body? What are self-love practices for the spiritual body? How do I provide self-love for the spiritual body?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra dive deeper into providing Self-Love to the different aspects of self. In this final episode of the Self-Love Series, we take a more detailed look at the spiritual body and how to learn about the needs of the spiritual body and provide those needs to bring the body into greater harmony with all aspects of Self.
The Nation’s Health: Article by Teddi Nicolaus: “Learning to Love Yourself for a Healthier Life”
Goop: Article: “The Four Bodies - Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual”
Joanne Sacred Scribes Angel Number 22: http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.com/2011/06/angel-number-22.html
Heart Math: https://www.heartmath.com/
TikTok Mentioned: https://www.tiktok.com/@new_age_mythbuster/video/7210122261519486251?_r=1&_t=8aovWnUHf3K
Check out Divine Living: Style & Decor! Let us help you embrace your space!
Shop our Amazon Favorites on our website!
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 95: Self-Love Practices For The Emotional Body
Episode 94: Self-Love Practices For The Mental Body
Episode 93: Self-Love Practices For The Physical Body
Episode 92: What Does Self-Love Mean To You?
Episode 84: Using Logic vs Intuition
Episode 56: Being Spiritual Doesn’t Mean Only Being Positive
Episode 17: Is it Selfish or Is it Self Care; Discovering Self IS Important!
Episode 11: Affirm Your Reality; Differences Between Affirmations & Afformations
The People's Journey: Ft. Adam Russell/Dowsing/Pyramids/Agni Hotra
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#selflove #selfcare #spiritual #spiritualbody #spirituality #alwaysconnected #Source #IAm #positiveaffirmations #listen #acknowledge #awareness #opportunity #MTGLASS #rediscoverself #angelnumbers #love #podcast #spiritualpodcast #cardreading #collectivecardreading #collectivereading #thecollective #collective #spirituality #lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast
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