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Welcome to Love Always, Self, a channel dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals to prioritize self-love and personal growth. Here, you’ll find a variety of videos on topics such as mindfulness, self-care, positive thinking, and more, all aimed at helping you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and live your best life. Join our community of like-minded individuals committed to creating a life filled with love, joy, and abundance. 👍🏽 Don’t forget to subscribe to never miss an episode! Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LoveAlwaysSelf Follow on FB & IG - @LoveAlwaysSelf Have a topic you would like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com Love Always, Self 💜
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
In this episode Shyra channels a higher dimensional being that goes by the name of Allistar. Allistar has stated in previous conversations with Karista that he/she is from the Pleiades star system and a member of the Pleiadian Council.
What is Channeling?
Definition by dictionary.com - “the practice of professedly entering a meditative or trancelike state in order to convey messages from a spiritual guide.”
Channeling is something that anyone can learn how to do and there are multiple ways of doing this outside of the commonly known way which is using a trance-like meditative state (this is what Shyra uses to connect with Allistar). Most people usually channel their higher selves when journaling without even the full awareness of it. This practice is referred to as automatic writing.
Shyra’s ability to bring in this consciousness is something that she has learned how to do. This is not the first time that Shyra has channelled messages from Allistar to Karista, however, this is the first time that she has felt comfortable sharing this ability with our audience and is choosing to let go of her fear of judgment by doing so. As always, please take or leave this information using your own discernment.
Allistar shares information that Mother Gaia, our planet Earth and that the full collective is increasing, or raising its consciousness. Allistar addresses how to better integrate this information by using our more commonly practiced modalities, like meditation and deep breathing exercises, to bring our own frequency higher (also known as raising your vibration).
Allistar also shares ways to assist us with moving “stuck” or “blocked” energy, which is usually caused by past traumas. By practicing meditation, doing deep breathing while connecting with the breath, and effectively looking at things that no longer resonate with you will assist us in moving these energetic blockages and not feeling some of the more uncomfortable effects of these energetic waves.
- Shyra and Karista will be joining the hosts, Scott & Chris, on The Unfiltered Experience on Facebook Live on October 22, 2021. Watch our discussion on spirituality on The Unfiltered Experience!
- If you haven't heard, our website is LIVE! Check it out today at https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Time Stamps:
Announcement Ends: 1:52
How Shyra Channels: 2:15 - 3:08
Karista & Shyra Recap: 15:50
Mentioned Episodes:
Episode 21: Is It Spiritual or Is It Science; A Correlation Between Science and Spirituality
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Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
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Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast #channelling #channeling #collectiveconsciousness
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Is there any scientific evidence supporting psychic abilities or distance healing? Is there any proof we are all connected?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, we discuss a few of the scientific discoveries that support the idea that we are all connected and have the potential for psychic abilities, to receive information outside of ourselves, as well as send and receive energy that can potentially be healing in nature.
From the theories of analytical psychologist, Carl Jung, that drove initiation of scientific studies to answer the questions of the universe, to Dr. Emoto and his water experiments, as well as Dr. Gisin and his twin photon experiment, and the decades long study by the CIA, these questions of the universe drive our curiosity to expand our consciousness in exploration of these metaphysical unknowns.
When we take time to practice, we can develop additional senses outside of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. Each of us has the capability of developing these additional senses of being able to receive information from outside of our current awareness, however these must be practiced to create new neural pathways to fine tune the skill of intuition and connect with Universal consciousness. Intuition, or that gut feeling, is a real sense and real feeling or ability that, when given space to be explored, can be developed into a skill and used as a resource to guide you on this physical and spiritual journey.
“The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation.” – Albert Einstein.
We can expand on this theory that if we are not separate, then we are all one. As this continues to be proven at cellular and atomic levels, we can extrapolate that on a larger scale this too must be true; as above, so below. And if we are all one, then we call our awareness that of the collective consciousness. If this is true, although yet to be confirmed beyond all doubt by the scientific community, then we all have the power to tap into the collective or Universal consciousness to develop what we call psychic abilities or intuition.
Energetic healing has long been used throughout millennia in many different cultures. This idea has widely been dismissed in the Western world because we rely heavily on scientific proof. However, science has failed to determine with absolute certainty that this is a false claim. I suppose this is where some faith is needed at this time in our human experience. However, when looking at the water experiments performed by Dr. Emoto, we can clearly see how intent, thoughts, words, and actions, can impact cellular structures of water molecules. Both humans and the earth are made up of roughly 60-70% of water, so what we say, do, and think are directly affecting us and the earth at a cellular level, creating balance and symmetry, or chaos and dis-ease within.
“Do unto others what you want done unto you.” - Confucius
The more we learn, the more we realize we don’t know. But all will be revealed in due time, when we are each ready to access the Universe from within.
Time Stamps:
1:21 Website Launch Announcement, check us out at lovealwaysself.com
2:13 Beginning of Episode discussing Science supporting interconnectedness and collective consciousness
7:30 Twin Photon Experiment conducted in Geneva by Swiss Physicist, Dr. Nicolas Gisin
9:44 Psychologist Carl Jung and the “collective unconsciousness”
13:35 Scientific and Spiritual Implications of Psychic Abilities
23:26 The Gateway Process, researched and developed by the C.I.A.
27:42 Episode 20: It's Time To Play; Incorporating Play In Our Everyday Lives
38:51 Dr Masaru Emoto's Water Experiments
40:04 Episode 11: Affirm Your Reality; Differences Between Affirmations & Afformations
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Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lovealwaysself
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Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
References used to develop this discussion can be found here in our Journal on lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast #collectiveconsciousness #science #psychicintuition
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
When was the last time you let go and let play?!
In this episode of Love Always, Self we discuss the importance of incorporating play, even throughout adulthood. Play is so important when it comes to childhood development because this helps them to develop cognitive, physical, social, and emotional skills, it helps to foster creativity and imagination, and it allows development of each child’s unique potential. However, once we age into adulthood, the activity of play tends to fall to the wayside as we take on more responsibilities and deal with different life stressors. Because we are taught at a young age how to live within societal structures, we can forget how to imagine and create without structure in adulthood.
We are here to say that continuing to incorporate play into daily or weekly activities, will allow us to further our physical/cognitive/emotional/social development and can foster growth outside of societal norms of the education system. Aging is not just how many times we’ve been around the sun, but rather, aging is the changes in our body caused by stagnation in continuing to practice and continue to develop physical, cognitive, emotional, and social skills.
As we’ve aged into this society, have you noticed how easily divided we are as adults? We fight and argue, we speak at each other to convince and not to understand, we become rigid in our thinking and in our views of the world. When we reconnect with our inner-child and play we have more opportunities to continue to grow spiritually and socially, and even opportunities to work on healing traumas and patterns of limiting beliefs through play. Play may be difficult for some, especially when you feel restricted by time, money, resources, or other restrictions.
Playing as adults can benefit us by relieving stress, improving brain and cognitive function, stimulating creativity, improving relationships and connections with others, and keeps you feeling young and energetic by connecting with your inner child. Play can help you to disconnect from judgement, raise your energetic vibration, and allow you to refocus on joy. Play, without a doubt, is a re-energizing self-care activity.
Here are some adult play suggestions:
Outdoor activities; hiking, swimming
Travel and explore a new place
Geocaching or treasure hunting
Have a living room dance party, with yourself or others
Game night (in-person or on Zoom)
One on one game night with partner or spouse
Arts and crafts; finger painting, sidewalk chalk, friendship bracelets
Allow a child in your life to structure play time; imagination play
Play time with pets
Try a new sport, or activity like axe throwing
Singing, karaoke or lip singing
Try a new recipe; create a new tasty dish
Take something apart and piece it back together
Time Stamps:
13:00 - Ambrosia Matthews an Intuitive Psychic Coach
13:02 - Alexa Jadd with Alexa Soothes
Resources Utilized:
Love Lingual: Card Game: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TN17D3F?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
#lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast #innerchild #play #importanceofplay #keepplaying #playasadutls #moveenergy #joy #laughter #fun #create #imagination #playtime #implementplay #dontgrowup #besilly #letsplay #nojudgement #lovefirst #lovelast #lovealways
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Are you living in a place of abundance or do you live life from a place of lack?
In this episode of Love Always, Self we discuss taking the time to evaluate from which perspective you are living and experiencing life from. When you make decisions, are you thinking from a place of not feeling like you have enough? Or are you secure in knowing and trusting that the Universe will provide?
When you recognize that an attachment is causing you to limit yourself and your experiences, it might be time to consider how this attachment has played a role in your life. Review it and determine if it is still serving you, or if you feel that it is not serving you any longer, you may want to consider doing a releasing ceremony.
Another exercise to practice is practicing finding your center in a place of gratitude. By shifting our perspective from “what am I missing” to “thank you for this,” we can assist ourselves in altering or changing a limiting pattern. With practice and persistence, you will reprogram your thought processes to create new neural pathways to connect quicker with thoughts of gratitude, which is connected to an abundant mindset.
This life is about experiencing life to the fullest. What attachments or patterns are causing limitations in having the life experiences you want to have?
Time Stamps:
(5:27-5:37) Artist: Tarn Ellis @tarnellisart on Instagram
(23:00) Episode 11: Affirm Your Reality; Differences Between Affirmations & Afformations on YouTube
Social Media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lovealwaysself
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysself/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #patternsoflack #abundance #tarnellisart #trusttheUniverse #release #letgo #fullmoonritual #releasingritual #manifesting #manifestation #reprogram #neuralconnections #gratitude #heartcentered
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
We each have our own truths, and not always do these truths line up with everyone else’s, but are you open to seeing things in new ways? In this episode, we talk about opening up our perceptions to alternative views, and by doing this we have even more opportunities for personal and social growth.
Truth is both a state of being true and a “fact or belief that is accepted as true.” Words and perceptions are but a mirror of truth, and not necessarily actual truth. It is also possible that these mirrors can be distorted, much like fun house mirrors, and can alter how you view yourself, view others, and view the world. By being open to hearing and understanding other people’s perceptions, we begin to heal a divide that allows more people to come together to create more innovative ways of living, being, and thriving.
Magic is science that has not yet been proven, much like how bacteria were thought to be a myth before they were able to be viewed after the invention of the microscope. Just because we don’t understand or can’t perceive something as true, does not make it invalid or untrue. We are limited by our five senses in perceiving and proving the reality beyond this 3D experience. Meaning, we can not yet perceive what it’s like to exist in higher dimensional realities. When we practice “expanding our awareness” through connection with Source and MT GLASS, we get a small taste of higher experiences. But if this cannot be easily perceived, it can be difficult to believe and have faith without proof.
Our beliefs are a big factor in how we see or perceive something. The things you learn and experience throughout a lifetime change and alter one’s perceptions. And even though you may be co-creating experiences, perceptions may not always align. Being open to hearing other truths allows for better understanding, a greater capacity for compassion and kindness, connections for collaboration and innovative changes, stronger relationships and social support systems, and opportunities for creating new and expanding awareness.
Practice being open to new perspectives with these tips:
Viewing the situation from a zoomed out point of view. Be open to seeing new sides of the situation.
Hold space for others and practicing listening to receive information. (21:48) Watch Holding Space for Others on YouTube
If you need clarity, ask for it.
Minimize shortcuts in communication to avoid misunderstandings.
Have a dialogue, not a debate. It’s not about convincing, it’s about understanding.
Speak your truth; and be open to alternative truths.
Release expectations
Learn to accept that a perception may be different.
Understand that much discomfort and fear is expressed through anger, and most of this is related to deeply rooted negative patterns of belief.
Some people’s perceptions may not be the same as your own, and that is ok too.
Practice listening from a place of love, rather than a place of lack (17:50). Watch Listen From a Place of Love on YouTube
We also discussed how to find a neutral state to assist yourself in being open to receiving new information and new perceptions of others.
Choose a state of neutrality. This is tough and takes practice, but not impossible and worth the effort!
Let go of the attachment to the situation and the outcome
Try daily affirmations. Watch Affirm Your Reality on YouTube. (24:01)
Let go and let flow. Recognize any resistance; be open to a flexible path.
Take time and hold space for yourself, when you can.
Shifting perspectives is not about who is right or who is wrong, it’s about coming together to try to understand one another so we can support each other, love each other and build each other up. On a larger scale, when we come together from a place of trying to absorb information, purely for the purpose of understanding, we can begin to work better together in building a stronger, happier community and life.
Let's shift perspectives and give each other a little more grace in life, realizing there more than just one side to the coin. It’s not about competition, it’s about collaboration in co-creation in what we want to experience in this life.
Our Resources:
Brene Brown
Joe Dispenza
Miguel Ruiz, “The Toltec Art of Life and Death”
Social Media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lovealwaysself
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysself/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast #perception #expandyourawareness #flexible #growth #zoomout #pointofview #letgoandletflow #letgoofjudgement # cometogether #worldpeace #beopentolistening #releaseexpectations #holdspace #speakyourtruth #dialogue #affirmations #shiftingperspectives #3Dreality #higherdimensions #elevateyourconsciousness #cocreation #collaboration #brenebrown #joedispenza
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
In this episode of Love Always, Self, we discuss different perceptions of what it means to be selfish and how taking care of self can sometimes be misperceived as selfishness. Many times, when we place the care of ourselves ahead of others’ needs, this can be perceived as being selfish. However, it is most important to take care of ourselves first, filling our own cup, so that we can better care for others.
Taking better care of yourself can present in different forms:
Boundary setting is an important aspect of being able to care for yourself.
Recognizing that which you are no longer in alignment with. Cutting ties with “obligation.” Re-evaluate and realign to what feels right within you. You always have a choice; you can choose to continue or to change course.
Creating space for just you to JUST BE.
Creating awareness around activities that no longer serve you by connecting with your body, mind, and spirit.
Give yourself space to feel the discomfort so you can create awareness of the root of the discomfort.
Practice honesty and flexibility with yourself.
When beginning to practice setting boundaries with others, initially this can cause undesirable reactions. But much like teaching a dog a new trick, with practice and consistency, the hope is that you and those you want to support, begin to recognize the benefit within yourself of making space to care for yourself. It’s important to do what creates joy within your inner being. When you are in touch with joy, this will cause our interactions to be filled with love expressed through our words and actions. By being in a more joyful state, our care of others will be elevated simply by elevating ourselves.
Social Media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lovealwaysself
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysself/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #selfcare #selfish #selfIS #alignment #boundarysetting #createspace #justBE #awareness #realign #noobligations #realign #changeofcourse #body #mind #spirit #bevulnerable #elevate #findjoy
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
On this episode we discuss learning how to step out of the way and practice holding space for others.
Life has increasingly sped up, including how we communicate with others. Interrupting, throughout society, has become more and more prevalent. When we interrupt others, especially in high emotional situations, this can cause a feeling of disconnect, like there is a lack of support being received, and a feeling of being rushed and unimportant.
Holding space for others allows for greater connection, an opportunity for people to process through verbal release, which can allow for healing to begin. Holding space for others is actively listening, to receive what they are feeling, not to take it on, but to receive the information and provide support. Engaging while you listen, like nodding your head, will help you to communicate that you are continuing to listen and hold space for them to continue. Relax and allow for the information to be revealed.
It's important to protect yourself from attaching to what others are feeling, especially for those that are empathic! Use this quick guided Protection Bubble Meditation from Shyra any time you need.
2:03 - Protection Bubble Meditation/Guidance (Episode 15: In Moments of Need, You are Never Alone; Karista Shares a Vulnerable Situation)
Most importantly, don't forget to hold space for yourself. It's a tough practice to start, but start by sitting with yourself for 5 minutes, in a comfortable space, without any distractions. Practice connecting with your breath by pulling it deep into your belly; go inward to connect with your body; go upward to connect with your spirit. Sit still and be.
***Do you accept the CHALLENGE?! ***
For all of our listens, we invite you to practice holding space for others. Practice pausing and actively listen, giving at least 5 seconds (1 deep breath) to allow for thoughts to be finished verbalizing, and receive what they said. This is a multipurpose challenge! Let's get vulnerable and speak our truth! Tell others what you are doing, challenging yourself to not interrupt, and ask them to hold you accountable to it!
Social Media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lovealwaysself
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysself/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysselffirst #lovealways #secretgarden #stargate #connection #empath #improvingconnection #healingthroughlistening #connectedalways #weareallconnected #holdspace #bestill #justbe #beingisdoing #putyourphonedown #accountability #interruptyourchallenge #whipitrealgood
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
This life experience is filled with opportunities, relationships, and situations that allow us to experience a full range of emotions, from love and joy, to fear, grief, and anger, and everything in between.
In this episode of Love Always, Self, we discuss giving yourself space to be and feel whatever it is that you are feeling; feeling it, seeing it, being with it, this is a first (and difficult) step in releasing and healing. When you are hurting or feeling low, or exhausted from caregiver fatigue, this is one of the most important times to try to continue or implement a self-care regimen. Even though there are many aspects that may be out of our control, we always have the power to choose to care for ourselves so that we can continue to care for others.
When we don't allow ourselves to feel what we are experiencing, when we suppress our emotions, there is potential for harming our body at the cellular level. By suppressing emotions, we are basically brushing the glass under the rug. We may not see it, but when we walk over it, we feel it and are reminded of the pain. When we face the glass, when can begin to pick up the pieces, and move towards releasing them and healing from them.
We discuss, that the ability to impact others by focusing and sending healing energy, is possible within each of us. This is also known as prayer or meditation. Any time, any space, take a pause and think of the person or the situation, and love them in that moment. Visualizations can be used to assist in healing physical and emotional pains.
We both agree, that even when our physical bodies fade and leave this physical world, the soul lives on forever in energetic form. We are all energy. We are always connected through this invisible energy; we may not see it, but we can feel it, or them. We are always connected to Source, or God, and Source is all that is and isn't. If we are all a part of Source, then we are all a part of each other, then we are always connected, even through the death of the physical expression of self.
If you are struggling, in pain, grieving, scared, we encourage you to talk to someone. A friend, a family member, a therapist, or any medical provider, there are even apps like Sanvello. Please reach out.
You are never alone and you are always connected.
I Am with you always,
Never are we apart.
Together, forever, is our nature,
Truest form, behold, is Source.
Time Stamps:
1:20 - Intro Ends
2:03 - Protection Bubble Meditation/Guidance
20:49 - Episode 08: To Fertile or Not To Fertile, w/ Tara Casady, PHD
31:09 - Karista shares a message from MT GLASS
Love Always, Self website launch, COMING SOON!!!
Social Media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lovealwaysself
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysself/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtZ--ZyICde_MEpLvDz3IXg
Have topics you'd like us to discuss? Email Us! - contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysself #lovealwaysselfpodcast #YouAreNotAlone #thisislife #itsoktofeel #fearoflossofcontrol #caregiverfatigue #healingenergy #neveralone #alwaysconnected #beingvulnerable #vulnerability #loveandsupport #love #support #expandinglove #loveexpands #connectedthroughSource #movingenergy #breath #grief #grieving #collectiveconsciousness #preciouspresent #gratitude
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Sometimes we need time to feel and be in the storm to consciously move through it to allow time for it to pass. When we try to ignore or brush the experience under the rug we find that the thunder grows louder; the more you resist, the more it will persist. This is the universe encouraging us to experience these situations and emotions so that we are not denying ourselves the opportunity to learn and move through the storm. Experiencing the storm leads to more appreciation for the sun.
Mentioned Podcast Equipment:
Shure MV7 USB/XLR Dynamic Mic: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0977SPN9R/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
RODE PSA 1 Swivel Mount Studio Microphone Boom Arm: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001D7UYBO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Social Media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lovealwaysself
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysself/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
We talk a lot about the Collective Consciousness on Love Always, Self podcast, so we thought we would dedicate a whole episode to discussing it! On this week's episode you'll learn what we perceive the Collective Consciousness as and how it is similar to the internet, but can be accessed from within!
What is the goal of The Collective Consciousness? To elevate humanity! Learn how to tap in, send healing energy to anyone and everyone, and raise humanity to the next level!
Social Media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lovealwaysself
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysself/
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #collectiveconsciousness #thecollective #elevatehumanity #kindness #energy #humankindness #elevate #tapin
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