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Welcome to Love Always, Self, a channel dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals to prioritize self-love and personal growth. Here, you’ll find a variety of videos on topics such as mindfulness, self-care, positive thinking, and more, all aimed at helping you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and live your best life. Join our community of like-minded individuals committed to creating a life filled with love, joy, and abundance. 👍🏽 Don’t forget to subscribe to never miss an episode! Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LoveAlwaysSelf Follow on FB & IG - @LoveAlwaysSelf Have a topic you would like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com Love Always, Self 💜
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
The People's Journey is a seasonal mini-series brought to you by Love Always, Self, where guests are invited to share their life experiences and the insights they have gained as they have worked to create greater awareness and connection with themselves on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.
On this episode, we invite Karista's husband's best friend, Lance. Lance falls somewhere in between a pragmatist and a skeptic by nature. Tending to favor concepts that can readily be understood and repeated through predictable actions, he has struggled with comprehending the interplay and impact of realities unseen. To his credit, Lance keeps an open mind with a willingness for growth and expansion. It is this same will that has allowed Lance to leverage spirituality as a tool for universal connection and abundant reception.
To state this more plainly, by intentionally delving into the spirit world, Lance has been able to manifest exponentially increasing health, wealth, and happiness. He currently works full-time as a marketing executive and lives in Austin, TX with his soulmate and their two adorable akitas.
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #thepeoplesjourney #souljourney #humanexperience #manifest #manifestation #spiritworld
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
How do you navigate self-care while in a relationship? What is relational self-care? How do you balance the give and take of self-care in relationships?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss understanding and navigating a new perspective of self-care and how to balance the give and take between you and any relationship; lover, family member, or friend. In this episode, we discuss an article from Psychology Today, “There is No Such Thing as Self-Care in Relationships” (linked below).
Self-care, in any relationship, requires both giving and taking. When you are needing to take time for yourself, the other person is supporting you in this by giving you time and space to care for yourself.
“One’s taking is another’s giving” - Psychology Today
In almost every aspect of living there are aspects of give and take. It’s about being flexible for yourself and for your partner and finding a balance between the give and take.
Some steps that you can take to help create a balance of give and take in any relationship:
1. Reflect
2. Communicate
3. Listen
4. Reciprocate
Viewing self-care as a relational co-creation will increase mutual support of each other's mental and emotional well-being. Don’t wait until you’re feeling low or close to a breaking point, as this increases the risk of poor communication, coming from a place of lack and irritability, and feeling defensive and reactive. Be proactive, for yourself and for those around you! It will feel much better to address this before you become severely depleted.
“In the pursuit of happiness, one finds themselves looking backwards as to how they get to the future vs looking at the very NOW moment. Just start to create, create one moment and then the next moment, focus your intentions on what it is you wish to create because that is all that there ever is. The now. Only the human mind wishes to look back. We call that memories, which is what your body creates and stores. Your consciousness is only ever creating the now, drawing in lessons and teachings of every NOW moment.”
- MT GLASS (2/5/22 at 11:44 AM CST)
Other Mentions:
Psychology Today Article: There is No Such Thing As Self-Care in Relationships
Episode Mentions and Suggestions:
(1:17) End Intro
( 3:16) Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
(4:25) Episode 26: How to Find and Practice Solitude When You Don‘t Live Alone
(9:57) Episode 23: Get Down and Ground; The Benefits of Practicing Grounding
(13:06) Episode 17: Is it Selfish or Is it Self Care; Discovering Self IS Important!
(21:03) Episode 33: How Reflections of Self Help Us Grow w/Channeling a New Guide Leopold
(23:23)Episode 06: Listening From A Place Of Love
(29:18) Episode 34: Do We Create Our Own Suffering?
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #selfcare #relationalselfcare #communication #teamwork #giveandtake #proactiveselfcare #connectinghearts #supporteachother #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #relationshiptips #connectinghappiness #reflections #shiftingperspectives #cocreate
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
The People's Journey is a seasonal mini-series brought to you by Love Always, Self, where guests are invited to share their life experiences and the insights they have gained as they have worked to create greater awareness and connection with themselves on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.
On this episode, we invite a dear friend, Eden, a breast cancer survivor, who specializes in holistic modalities such as self love, sound healing and guided meditation. Incorporating self love, expression through art and utilizing holistic modalities has been a huge factor in her healing process. It was a huge revelation through these tough times, that she wasn’t truly living her life to the fullest. She was not living her true authentic self, not realizing it could be taken away from her at any moment. She loves sharing her story and hopes her experience can help others.
If you'd like to learn more about, or contact Eden you can find her at:
Eden's Love and Light @edensloveandlight
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edensloveandlight
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/edensloveandlight/
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #thepeoplesjourney #souljourney #humanexperience #breastcancersurvivor #holistichealing #soundhealing
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
How do you find balance between spiritual and physical aspects of self? Why is it important to connect with our physical body? Are you using your Spiritual practice to escape a physical experience? How does connecting with the physical assist in connecting with Self and Spirit? Why should I practice connecting with the body?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss finding a balance between your spiritual practice and being present in the physical.
Many times throughout the process of “awakening” we encounter reports of the beauty and the awe inspiring connections with Spirit through meditation and other modalities. However, if we solely focus on this aspect of Self, Spirit, and Source, we will find ourselves out of balance because we are negating the importance of grounding into this physical experience. We, our souls, have chosen to have this physical experience because there are lessons to assist us in our soul’s growth. So, if we spend all our time and energy focusing on connecting with Spirit, we are missing out on a part of the purpose of this physical experience and we may even miss out on the lessons that advance our soul causing us to have to live out more experiences that are needed for this advancement.
“Being able to accept our body, as it is, even if we don’t like everything about its current state, and expressing gratitude for how amazing it is and everything it has gone through, is a practice of unconditional love for ourselves.” - Karista
What we are trying to caution against, is using your spiritual practice to escape this physical experience. This escapism is a form of resistance to experiences, and because you are here to have a physical experience, the more you resist this, the more the Universe will persist in bringing you more experiences that push you to connect with your body and physical experiences. This is about finding balance between grounding in your body and connecting with spirit. Recognize that in connecting with your body, you are deepening your connection with self, and because you are a fractal of Source, by deepening your connection with Self you are strengthening your connection with Source.
Other Mentions:
(2:01) Elizabeth April online oracle deck
Episode Mentions and Suggestions:
(1:17) End Intro
(5:08) Episode 35: Take a Deep Breath, You Got This!
(5:12) How to connect with your body in Episode 31 of Love Always, Self
(5:27) Episode 37: Intuitive Living and Connecting Deeper with Self
(7:37) Episode 24: Raise Your Vibration; Understanding and Practicing Gratitude
(11:23) Episode 23: Get Down and Ground; The Benefits of Practicing Grounding
(12:15) Episode 25: Releasing Energy; How to do Energetic Cord Cutting
(16:23) Episode 20: It's Time To Play; Incorporating Play In Our Everyday Lives
(16:58) Episode 35: Take a Deep Breath, You Got This!
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #balance #spiritualbalance #physicalbalance #findingbalance #connectwithSelf #connectwithSource #connect #gratitude #bodyacceptance #bodyappreciation #breathwork #justbreathe #play #raiseyourvibration
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
The People's Journey is a seasonal mini-series brought to you by Love Always, Self, where guests are invited to share their life experiences and the insights they have gained as they have worked to create greater awareness and connection with themselves on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.
On this episode, we invite Shyra's long time friend, RJ. He is a 1st generation of Lebanese parents who moved to escape a war. He specializes in neuro-psycho-pharmacology from the University of Texas in San Antonio with a continued interest in how substances affect the human mind and behavior. He currently lives in California where he continues his career in the private investment sector.
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #thepeoplesjourney #souljourney #humanexperience #rebirth #newperspectives #lifelessons
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
What is intuitive living? How do you live intuitively? How do you use your intuition to connect deeper with self? Connect with yourself through intuitive living.
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss their thoughts on moving into a lifestyle of living more intuitively, connected more with your body, mind, and spirit; your whole Self and Source. By being more open to listening to your internal environment, whether it through meditation, acknowledging your breath and the feelings in your body, we can receive guidance as we move through life.
Shyra and Karista discuss different ways to incorporate intuitive living that supports connection with Self and Source and can assist in manifesting new experiences that can support your soul's growth.
- intuitive eating
- intuitive sleeping
- intuitive movement
- intuitive prayer, meditation, and manifestation
- intuitive creative expression
A fun practice to play with is asking your body questions to receive guidance through sensations. Start with “yes” and “no” questions you know the answer to to learn how your body responds with a “yes” or “no” answer. This is similar to muscle testing with foods and dowsing rods.
“Intuitive living is living in a state of awareness, in connection with your body, mind, emotions, and spirit, where you are open to receiving guidance and feedback, and utilizing this information to support the different aspects of self in gaining experiences that support evolution and growth of your Soul Self.” - Karista
* * * We are excited to bring you a new mini-series, The People’s Journey, every Friday in the month of February, in addition to our weekly Wednesday episodes. Our guests have been invited to share their individual soul journeys, tough lessons they’ve learned, and how they see love intertwined through each bend in the road along the way. * * *
@alexasoothes with @innerbloompodcast
Time Stamps:
(1:17) End Intro
(3:52) Episode 26: How to Find and Practice Solitude When You Don‘t Live Alone
(10:44) How to connect with your body in Episode 31 of Love Always, Self
(11:45) Episode 21: Is It Spiritual or Is It Science? // A Correlation Between Science and Spirituality
(15:40) Episode 31: Connect w/Source by Connecting w/Self
(19:07) Episode 33: How Reflections of Self Help Us Grow w/Channeling a New Guide Leopold
(24:52) Final Announcements
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #loveself #connectingdeeperwithself #connectingwithself #intuitiveliving #releasejudgment #intuitiveeating #intuitivesleeping #intuition #listentoyourbody #listentoyoursoul #listentoyourintuition #muscletesting #youhavealltheanswerswithinyou #bodymindspirit #holistichealth #holisticliving
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
What is it that you want to create? Where are you going in your every NOW moment? What are you excited for? What builds you up? What fills your heart? How can you feel and live your life from a heart-centered space?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss utilizing excitement for life and future endeavors and bringing that excitement into the now-present moment. When we work to bring the energy around what we want to experience in the future into the present experience, we are working with manifestation and the Law of Attraction.
“It’s not just about being excited for the future, it’s about bringing that excitement into the now. Revel in the beauty of this energy and how this ignites the fires of movement forward.” - Karista
Shyra shares repeated messages she sees and receives, about 2022 being a year of remembering who you really are, learning what you are capable of, what you’re connected to, bringing in more of a heart-centered space. For those of us that are ready to take this as an opportunity to use what we’ve learned and grown from over the past few years and begin to integrate this from a heart-centered space.
Allow the sense of abundance to consume you; you already have everything you need within you. Our environment doesn’t judge our feelings and experiences, it is our judgment of this that keeps us in a pattern of lack versus abundance.
As noted by Karista in “Many Souls, One Body,” by Brian Weiss, MD, we will continue to have repeat experiences in past and future lives until we have learned the soul lesson we need to grow from.
Shyra shares an experience from her past life regression, or PLR, and how this past life event was connected to and felt like a warning about a scary health concern that quickly presented in this life, just weeks after her session. Shyra shares how she used the information from the PLR to learn to love and give compassion to her current physical body and soul, and transmute energy from the past life to help heal her in this life.
We are excited to bring you a new mini-series, The People’s Journey, every Friday in the month of February, in addition to our weekly Wednesday episodes. Our guests have been invited to share their individual soul journeys, tough lessons they’ve learned, and how they see love intertwined through each bend in the road along the way.
(18:08) “Many Lives, Many Masters,” and “Same Soul, Many Bodies” by Brian Weiss, M.D.
(20:50) Barbara Nadalini Priesnitz, a Licensed Professional Counselor in Austin, Texas, trained in regression therapy. https://www.regressionaustin.com/
Time Stamps:
(1:17) End Intro
(4:19) End Announcement
(16:08) Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
(19:07) Episode 33: How Reflections of Self Help Us Grow w/Channeling a New Guide Leopold
(20:55) Episode 05: Shyra's Past Life Regression (PLR)
(29:49) Episode 20: It's Time To Play; Incorporating Play In Our Everyday Lives
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #keepondreaming #getexcited #excitedforlife #pastliferegression
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Do you get overwhelmed? Do you feel like your nervous system is on overdrive? Do you struggle with feeling connected, or creative, or at peace?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss the tool of breath work in helping reset frantic energy and shifting our mindsets to being open to seeing other perspectives. By adjusting our focus to the view of the watcher, we can see without attaching to the emotions of an experience.
Shyra guides us through a quick, 90 second, breathing exercise to help us reset and refocus on the present moment and all the love that is present in each of us. This is a great tool to utilize proactively, but also in response to stressors and anxieties, and can assist in transmuting negative energies. This simple breathing practice can be done periodically throughout the day, and what you may begin to notice is that
“your soul wants you to experience something blissful, your higher self wants you to be in a higher state of mind.” - Shyra.
With practice, we begin to learn how to navigate and integrate this tool of breath work, being able to shift perspectives, and becoming “the watcher” of your reactions and responses, and of other people’s patterns and perspectives of experiences. This helps us to live with more compassion for ourselves and others.
4:44 Christina Lopes
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #becomethewatcher #transmuteenergytolove #breathwork
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Do we create our own suffering? How do we create our own suffering? How can we stop creating our own suffering?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss how we create and add to our own suffering or perceived suffering in this life experience. Taking time to evaluate your mindset and recognize that you are not stuck at any point, will assist you in seeing you have a choice of how you are perceiving, relating to, and reacting to events/relationships/situations. Being in a mindset of the victim, we perceive that things are happening to us, but with a creator mindset things are happening for us. Recognizing that all that the Universe brings forward are meant for your greatest and highest good, the growth of your soul. These may not always be what we want, but rather it is what we need to assist in our expansion, soul growth, and movement towards realizing our connection to Source.
Time Stamps:
(1:17) End Intro
(5:00) Episode 27: Are You A Victim of Your DNA?
(11:02) Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
(15:00)Episode 19: Just In Case; Releasing Thoughts of Lack
(17:30) Episode 14: Feel Through The Thunder
(19:48) Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
(20:25) Channeled message with Shyra and a new guide, Leopold
(24:25) Episode 33: How Reflections of Self Help Us Grow w/Channeling a New Guide Leopold
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #mindset #soulgrowth #createyourreality
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra and Karista discuss a channeled message between Shyra and a new guide, Leopold, where reflections of Self and how that impacts perceptions of ourselves in this reality is discussed.
Shyra shares what it feels like to channel with Leopold, who has only recently presented into her awareness. She talks about what it felt like in her body to connect with Leopold and her experience of the message she received.
Karista discusses what was revealed to her during the interview with Leopold through Shyra. Distorted reflections of ourselves can serve us to question and see our judgments of ourselves. Be the watcher, the third perspective, to be open to more views and possibilities, to how we can see, perceive, and apply information differently, and see different sides of ourselves which were previously unseen. When we become the watcher of ourselves and our responses, and open our awareness to the judgments, we can then begin to look for the root of these judgments. What we will find at the root are areas of our life or soul that need healing. The judgements are the distortions within our perceptions of ourselves; this serves us as a window to open and begin healing.
Reflections of Self Exercise:
You will need a mirror or phone and pen/paper and while looking at yourself ask:
“How do I see myself?” Then jot down your notes
“How do I want to see myself?” and write in the present tense (I AM…)
“What is getting in the way of knowing this to be true?”
This is a path to healing and seeing your true self
Time Stamps:
[1:17] End Intro
[13:13] Reflections of Self Exercise
[13:42] Episode 11: Affirm Your Reality; Differences Between Affirmations & Afformations
[18:28] Channeled message with Shyra and a new guide, Leopold
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #reflectionsofself #channel #channeling
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