This is the description area. You can write an introduction or add anything you want to tell your audience. This can help listeners better understand your podcast.
Welcome to Love Always, Self, a channel dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals to prioritize self-love and personal growth. Here, you’ll find a variety of videos on topics such as mindfulness, self-care, positive thinking, and more, all aimed at helping you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and live your best life. Join our community of like-minded individuals committed to creating a life filled with love, joy, and abundance. 👍🏽 Don’t forget to subscribe to never miss an episode! Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LoveAlwaysSelf Follow on FB & IG - @LoveAlwaysSelf Have a topic you would like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com Love Always, Self 💜
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
What is a Past Life Regression? What can one experience during a Past Life Regression? What can you learn from a Past Life Regression? Are you conscious while under hypnosis? What is it like to be hypnotized?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista shares about her experiences during her recent Past Life Regression, or PLR, and what it was like for her to be hypnotized. She discusses how she prepared herself, both with knowledge and with spiritual guidance, to undergo this journey within.
While no two PLR experiences are alike, this process can lead to fascinating self-discoveries and allow for a person to better understand their current patterns in relation to old influences in past experiences. In some cases, people experience great relief from current stressors, fears, and anxieties. In others, there is great opportunity for self-reflection, self-compassion, and self-healing.
Resources Mentioned:
- Austin Witches Market https://www.facebook.com/austinwitchesmarket/
- The Guiding Elements: An Ayurvedic Path (65-Card Deck & Guidebook) by Erica Carin & Tatiana Beatriz
IG: @the_guidingelements
FB: @theguidingelements
- If you would like to learn more about Past Life Regressions, here are a couple resources:
Brian L. Weiss, M.D. material: https://www.brianweiss.com/
"Many Lives, Many Masters"
"One Soul, Many Bodies"
Past Life Regressionist, Barabara Nadalini Priesnitz, LPC in Austin, Texas at: http://bnpsychotherapy.com/home
We are excited to have Past Life Regressionist, Barbara Nadalini Priesnitz as a guest on Love Always, Self! Stay tuned for this incredible episode, premiering on July 13, 2022!
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 53: Opening The Akashic Records; Caroline Horne w/The Akashayana
Episode 52: Step Into Your Power; Spiritual Wellness and Life Coaching w/Karista Flynn
Episode 49: Am I Significant? Understanding Why Each Of Us Are!
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 33: How Reflections of Self Help Us Grow w/Channeling a New Guide Leopold
Episode 17: Is it Selfish or Is it Self Care; Discovering Self IS Important!
Episode 05: Shyra's Past Life Regression (PLR)
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#pastliferegression #pastlives #PLR #selfhealing #selfcare #selfcompassion #goingdeeper #divein #gowithin #selfdiscovery #selflove #spirituality #multidimensional #understanding #insight #lovealwaysselfpodcast #ayurveda #austinwitchesmarket
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
If I go through a spiritual awakening, will I only experience positive events? Can being spiritual help me become more positive? If I’m spiritual, will I be happy? Is happiness found in spirituality? Is positivity from being spiritual? How does spirituality affect my nature of being?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra discuss a common misconception about spirituality; that becoming more spiritual will cause a person to only experience positivity.
Spirituality does not equate to the statement of “Just be positive.” We did not come to be in this life to only experience positivity; we came to have a diverse experience in a space of polarity. Experiencing negative emotions is not a bad thing and shouldn’t be shamed. This is a form of suppression and creates blockages within. When we experience something perceived as “lower,” we are given an opportunity to hold greater appreciation for the contrasting experience.
For example, after sitting in a frigid cold room and stepping out into 100 degree heat, for a few moments before the heat becomes unbearable, there’s a sense of defrosting from the cold temperatures. Without experiencing the cold room, you may not find any appreciation of the heat of the sun.
How can you begin to open your awareness to what it is that you are experiencing?
Become aware of where you are mentally/emotionally/spiritually in this moment.
Create greater awareness of Self, by deepening your connection with Self
Let go of judgment
Dive deeper into your current Self
Pay attention to what is coming forward when creating space for awareness of Self
Where do you find resistance? Go deeper into this resistance.
Using your connection with Self, start practicing setting boundaries with yourself and others, and add more self-care activities into your day
Use your external resources for support; loved ones, friends, family, therapist & spirit team
Remember, that with this work, your end goal is to feel through it and coming out on the other side
Join us on July 13th for a special guest, a Past Life Regressionist, Barbara Nadilini, LPC
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 52: Step Into Your Power; Spiritual Wellness and Life Coaching w/Karista Flynn
Episode 49: Am I Significant? Understanding Why Each Of Us Are!
Episode 41: What Causes Judgment Towards Yourself and Others?
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 33: How Reflections of Self Help Us Grow w/Channeling a New Guide Leopold
Episode 21: Is It Spiritual or Is It Science? // A Correlation Between Science and Spirituality
Episode 19: Just In Case; Releasing Thoughts of Lack
Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Episode 15: In Moments of Need, You are Never Alone; Karista Shares a Vulnerable Situation
Episode 14: Feel Through The Thunder
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#spirituality #spiritual #positive #positivity #silverlinings #negativity #shadowwork #godeeper #howto #feelintoit #awareness #authenticity #createdeeperconnections #connections #resistance #persistance #bereal #process #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
What causes illness? What is the cause of illness? Why am I so tired when I’m sick? What influences wellness? What can I do to support my body through illness? How can I help myself to recover from illness? Can I prevent illness?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista & Shyra discuss their experiences of dealing with and recovering from viral illnesses. They discuss different tools to use to help promote internal balance & reduce stress to allow for greater healing from illness, including:
Daily body check ins; listening to and understanding what your body is telling you
Going deeper within for guidance on what/why/when/how to manage symptoms
Using visualizations to guide your body in aligning with the experience of wellness
Methods of prevention; how to boost your physical health proactively
The importance of stress management during illness
Connecting to your breath and using this to guide you inward
Giving yourself some grace to feel what you are feeling
If you need any additional assistance integrating information and recommendations from your healthcare providers, Karista can coach you on how to implement them feasibly
You may benefit from coaching if:
You feel burned out and disconnected from Self
You feel unheard and don’t know how to speak your truth
You feel “stuck” and don’t know how to move forward
You feel misaligned with the life you are creating
Your life feels out of balance and unmanageable
You don’t know how to prioritize your own needs
Learn more about Karista and her experiences that have led her to coaching, what coaching is, how coaching can support you, and how to connect with Karista here, at https://www.lovealwaysself.com/coaching-with-karista
Love Always, Self podcast is meant for entertainment purposes only. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of the information presented in this podcast. Any action you take upon the information on this podcast is strictly done so at your own risk, and we will not be held liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of our podcast. Any and all medical concerns should be addressed with a licensed healthcare provider, as well as any questions that may be derived from information discussed in this podcast.
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 52: Step Into Your Power; Spiritual Wellness and Life Coaching w/Karista Flynn
Episode 49: Am I Significant? Understanding Why Each Of Us Are!
Episode 41: What Causes Judgment Towards Yourself and Others?
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 27: Are You A Victim of Your DNA?
Episode 23: Get Down and Ground; The Benefits of Practicing Grounding
Episode 21: Is It Spiritual or Is It Science? // A Correlation Between Science and Spirituality
Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#howto #balance #wellness #illness #prevention #immunesupport #physicalwellness #connectwithbody #holisticwellness #visualizations #bodycheckin #connectwithself #selfcare #selflove #stressmanagement #immunesystem #Listen #connect #breathwork
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista celebrate 1 year since launching this podcast and YouTube Channel! Love Always, Self was launched in June of 2021; Karista & Shyra share their favorite episodes and interviews as they review the incredible journey of this past year hosting this show. Join us for the ups, the downs and the self healing and growing that followed.
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lovealwaysselfpodcast #lovealwaysself #womenentrepeneurs #podcast #podcasthosts #celebrate #OneYear #anniversary #birthday #creatorsofourreality #dreamit #createit #beit
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
What are Akashic Records? How do you connect with Akashic Records? How are the Akashic Records used? How can I use the Akashic Records to guide me? What information can be obtained from the Akashic Records?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista welcome a special and exciting guest, an Akashic Records reader, Caroline Horne. Caroline has been connecting with and reading the Akashic Records for people since 2020. She has performed readings for hundreds of clients, including both of the hosts of Love Always, Self podcast. . In between her full 9-5 job & giving readings, she is also working on her own Oracle Card deck. We’ve invited her here today to share The Akashic Records with all of you.
In this episode, Caroline enlightens us about the Akashic Records and more, including:
What are the Akashic Records?
Who has an Akashic Record?
How are the Akashic Records used?
How can you begin to access your Akashic Records?
How can the Akashic Records be used to manifest and heal in this life?
What happens during an Akashic Records reading?
What are crystal grids?
How to use Oracle card decks?
Guest Links:
The Akashayana https://theakashayana.com/
Instagram @TheAkashayana
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 51: Diving Into The Subconscious & Astrology; Thomas Miller w/Fun Astrology Podcast
Episode 48: Are We Being Called To Humility?
Episode 41: What Causes Judgment Towards Yourself and Others?
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 38: Finding a Balance Between the Spiritual and the Physical
Episode 31: Connect w/Source by Connecting w/Self
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#Akasha #AkashicRecords #Akashicrecordsreading #akashichealing #meditation #akashicrecord #soulguidance #spiritualguidance #guidance #love #lovealways #lovealwaysselfpodcast #spiritualawakening #crystals #crystalgrids #healinglight #souljourney #lovevibration #ayahuasca #motherayahuasa #subconscious
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
What is life coaching? How can life coaching help you? What experience do life coaches have? Who benefits from coaching?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Karista announces that she will be providing coaching services starting June 1st. By using her knowledge of healthy living and integrating lessons and tools gained from life experience, Karista guides individuals on their journey in self-discovery, in creating and strengthening a deeper connection with one’s self, and in integration into your authentic self, as the infinite and powerful creator of one’s own experiences.
You may benefit from coaching if:
You feel burned out and disconnected from Self
You feel unheard and don’t know how to speak your truth
You feel “stuck” and don’t know how to move forward
You feel misaligned with the life you are creating
Your life feels out of balance and unmanageable
You don’t know how to prioritize your own needs
Learn more about Karista and her experiences that have led her to coach, what coaching is, how coaching can support you, and how to connect with Karista here, at www.lovealwaysself.com.
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 49: Am I Significant? Understanding Why Each Of Us Are!
Episode 48: Are We Being Called To Humility?
Episode 41: What Causes Judgment Towards Yourself and Others?
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 38: Finding a Balance Between the Spiritual and the Physical
Episode 21: Is It Spiritual or Is It Science? // A Correlation Between Science and Spirituality
Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#lifecoaching #spiritualcoaching #wellnesscoaching #lifecoach #spiritualcoach #wellnesscoach #shiftingperspectives #holisticwellness #individualizedcare #yourarethecreator #stepintoyourpower #letyourlightshine #youarelove #lovealways #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
What is astrology and how do you use it? Can you misuse astrology? What does mercury in retrograde mean? How do you read a natal chart? How is astrology used in real life?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista welcome a special and exciting guest, Thomas Miller, the host of Subconscious Mind Mastery & the Fun Astrology podcasts! After several decades of working in broadcast media and living life “asleep at the wheel,” Thomas began exploring the depths & resources of the subconscious mind and how we can live a more empowered life. Since beginning this journey, Thomas Miller has utilized his work in communication to develop and launch the podcast, Subconscious Mind Mastery, in March of 2013.
After “awakening” to the possibility that old ways of thinking are no longer serving us, Thomas began to dive deeper into Astrology and launched the Fun Astrology podcast in March of 2019. Thomas uses both of these platforms to guide others in their own self discovery through the tool of Astrology.
In this episode, Thomas deep dives into astrology and answers some of our biggest questions about:
What is astrology & how is this used? How is astrology misused?
How do you start reading your natal chart?
What astrology resources are good for beginners?
What are different types of astrology? What types of astrology are used today?
What does the moon symbolize in astrology? How does the moon affect us?
What does mercury mean in astrology? How does mercury in retrograde affect us?
How do astrology & free will work together?
Thomas discusses with us his spiritual journey into self discovery, into learning about who he is, and how to step into his own power. He utilizes the energies of the planets, the teachings of the Law of Attraction, and the many other wisdoms he has learned along the way. Our connections go farther and deeper, as we are all a part of Source, the great I AM.
Guest Links:
Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast https://subconsciousmindmastery.com/
Fun Astrology Podcast https://funastrology.com/
Old Soul, New Soul Podcast, with Robert Glasscock https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/old-soul-new-soul-astrology-with-robert-glasscock/id1623229687
Subconscious Mind Mastery's Secret Science of Getting Rich: Leverage Thought, Source & Focus To Get Rich! By Thomas Miller
Episode 41: What Causes Judgment Towards Yourself and Others?
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 38: Finding a Balance Between the Spiritual and the Physical
Episode 33: How Reflections of Self Help Us Grow w/Channeling a New Guide Leopold
Episode 31: Connect w/Source by Connecting w/Self
Episode 27: Are You A Victim of Your DNA?
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#funastrology #subconsciousmindmastery #astrology #selfdiscovery #spiritualgrowth #guidedbythestars #reprogramminglimtingbeliefs #souljourney #freewill #soulpath #lifepath #expansion #soulgrowth #spirituality #moon #mercuryretrograde #energy #looktothestars #lovealways #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
What is time? How does time limit us? Is time real? Is time rigid or flexible? How does time work differently based on your physical location? Can time affect each person differently? Does time move at different speeds? How is time relative?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra and Karista discuss
Individual perspectives of time, and how this can change depending on physical location and mental and emotional states
How time is relative and perceived differently depending on our state of mind and awareness.
How we can be living two times at once
Shyra channels MT GLASS to ask them about the concept of time and to ask a listener question posed to Shyra’s guides. They remind us to zoom out and encourage us to recognize that we are all a part of the great “I AM.”
Upcoming Episode Announcements:
- May 18: Special guest, Thomas Miller, the host of Subconscious Mind Mastery and Fun Astrology Podcasts
- June 1: Special guest, Caroline Horne, of The Akashayana to discuss what the Akashic records are and how you can start connecting
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 49: Am I Significant? Understanding Why Each Of Us Are!
Episode 48: Are We Being Called To Humility?
Episode 41: What Causes Judgment Towards Yourself and Others?
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 38: Finding a Balance Between the Spiritual and the Physical
Episode 21: Is It Spiritual or Is It Science? // A Correlation Between Science and Spirituality
Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#time #reality #timeisrelative #limitedbytime #quantumphysics #alternaterealities #channel #synchronicities #creatorofyourreality #channeledmessage #MTGLASSmessage #MTGLASS #Iam #guidedmessage #guided #timedilation #thoughtcreation #zoomout #planetearth #motherearth #healingthroughlove #selfhealing #schummanresonance
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Are we significant? Am I significant? What is my significance? How am I significant? What is holding me back from seeing my significance? When I speak to the Universe, does it hear me? Does God hear me? Does Source hear me?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra and Karista discuss our individual and collective significance and why they believe that the Universe always “hears” us. While we may not be significant to everyone and everything, we all hold significance because we are significant to our present being.
In past episodes, we’ve discussed some of the scientific evidence that supports some spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, such as the belief that we are connected to all things in the universe. Using these same trains of thought, we can determine that we are a part of the universe, therefore we have a constant connection for communication with the universe and Source, or God.
If we all originated from Source, or God, then we maintain a constant connection, whether a person is aware or not. And if we believe that the Universe is vast, expansive, and infinite, then if we originated from this, then we too are a part of the vast, expansive, and infinite -ness. And if this is all true, are we not the eyes and ears in which the Universe is able to perceive itself through? And if we are the eyes and ears of the Universe, do you see how significant you are, as you, in your perceptions, are receiving, processing, thinking, and acting, thus creating the very experiences that allow the Universe to perceive its magnificence?
In this episode, we are simply asking “what if’?” to further explore possibilities of interconnectedness beyond our limited perspectives and experiences in this life.
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 48: Are We Being Called To Humility?
Episode 41: What Causes Judgment Towards Yourself and Others?
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 38: Finding a Balance Between the Spiritual and the Physical
Episode 31: Connect w/Source by Connecting w/Self
Episode 21: Is It Spiritual or Is It Science? // A Correlation Between Science and Spirituality
Episode 18: Shifting Perspectives; Being Open to 3 Sides Of Every Coin
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#significance #Universe #connected #alwaysconnected #youarethecreator #shiftingperspective #youaresignificant #theUniversewithin #love #light #Source #God #awakening #opentopossibilities #whatif #lovealwaysselfpodcast
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
What does it mean to have humility? Why is it important to practice humility? How can we live in connection with humility? How does humility relate to our self-worth?
In this episode of Love Always, Self, Shyra & Karista discuss what living with humility means vs how humility is defined in the dictionary, and how we can discover our own humility while honoring our own self-value and self-worth.
Humility, contrary to the negative implications of the dictionary definitions, is living with the belief and understanding that no one person holds greater or lesser value. While one person may have different strengths or limitations, their intrinsic value is neither greater than or less than any other person.
One arena to practice keeping in connection with humility, is in the area of sharing information and in our communications. In practicing humility in our deliverance of information, and how we communicate in general, we are practicing grounding ourselves in the belief that all parties are of equal importance, which in turn will create more open lines of communication through feelings of mutual respect, value, and love.
Here are some practices to deepen your connection with humility:
Practice active listening with others
Practicing Mindfulness
Practice being vulnerable and asking for help
Episode Suggestions:
Episode 41: What Causes Judgment Towards Yourself and Others?
Episode 40: Healing From Your Limiting Beliefs
Episode 38: Finding a Balance Between the Spiritual and the Physical
Episode 37: Intuitive Living and Connecting Deeper with Self
Episode 33: How Reflections of Self Help Us Grow w/Channeling a New Guide Leopold
Episode 31: Connect w/Source by Connecting w/Self
Social Media:
Website - https://www.lovealwaysself.com/
Linktree - https://linktr.ee/lovealwaysself
Have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Email Us!: contact@lovealwaysself.com
#humility #humble #equality #equalvalue #selfworth #selfvalue #youarevalued #connected #weareallone #selfesteem #OneSource #vulnerability #soulgrowth #lovealways #lovealwaysselfpodcast
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