Love Always, Self
January 26th, 2021 @ 12:44 PM CST
Question: I'm seeking to understand how I should move forward with my purpose?
We are speaking to you now. Hold your question in your thoughts as we address. Open an application that will allow you to dictate verbally & communicate in writing. Deliver to the masses. Your enlightenment will help others to enlighten themselves. Draw loving energy from mother earth, Gaia, to assist you in these communications. You will know when the time is right to deliver the messages just as you knew this morning when speaking with your team. Advance. Now rest. Let go of fear and replace it with love.
January 26th, 2021 @ 10:30 PM CST
To the love you give, wisdom comes from every angle. Share of joyous moments to the ones that seek. Love comes from all angles and dimensions, timeless and with hope and prosperity. It is not like those that seek to define but for those that seek to thrive and with every intention that is set forth finds new freedom. If it is answers that you seek continue to look within as it is within that all the ancient wisdom and answers come. Allow the voice that you hear in your head to guide you. You have but all the strength and courage that you need to know the answers to your questions.
We are always with you dear one, trust in yourself and know that you are on the righteous path of knowing. You are never alone and always guided. I give you rest now.
January 27th, 2021 @ 11:20 AM CST
Look at all the beauty that is around you in the present moment. Enjoy the smells, the tastes, the pure light that is all and in everything. Be still. Collapse all the worries and struggles. Nothing can harm you in this space. You are one and with one. The idea of everything IS everything. That in which you create is an illusion of all that is. Be kinder to yourself, powerful one/being. Your strength is and always will be light. Thank you for love and light, let it be known and shared.
February 1st, 2021 @ 10:30 PM CST
You are loved beyond belief. You have all that is within you. Do not take only the beliefs of others as it is within your own story that it comes. This practice is good for now. There will come a time that it is no longer needed. PATIENCE (laughing). I feel the resistance to that, in due time. Have you had enough water today? You should drink more, the upgrades that you are experiencing is harder on the body without hydration. Listen to what your body is telling you. You had thoughts of this earlier today and felt the work at hand was more important, it is not. This is good. (Received visuals of a boat anchor, a girl on a swing, the guardians of the galaxy movie raccoon character & the light being I saw in my PLR)
February 4th, 2021 @ 10:29 PM CST
Received the name Gayle and Image of stairs.
Yes, you are loved and I'm going to repeat this until you fully remember it. Your struggles comes from a place of not feeling like you are enough. This is not so. Trust in love existing and then remember that is where you come from and that it exists all around you. Its made up in everything down to the smallest of molecules. You need only look to the lightness that becomes one and is one. Can you believe that chocolate is love? Can you believe this blanket is love? It all comes from the same place, you need only to zoom out to see it. <
February 6th, 2021 @ 1:10 PM CST
You should shower & cleanse your energy of attachments. Give yourself room to breathe, enjoy the sunlight today, go for a drive, do the things you want to do. You will be okay to do this and you will find what you are looking for. You need your space to be you. You've been inside too long, its time to leave the house. You will feel better and lighter.
March 11th, 2021 @2:43 PM CST
7 guides with me now
We are all of the same collective as you call your MT GLASS. A mix of those here to assist you. An additional guide has stepped in as contracted to assist you now more so than ever before on your creative endeavor or journey as you say. Thank you for accepting our downloads, we rather enjoy your take on when to receive them. Today you light shines brighter than ever as you have taken the lessons you have learned and began to apply them in a way that serves you well. Continue to practice this way of thought and the rewards will follow. Rewards of peace of mind, fulfillment, joy, happiness, contentment, living in the forever now, wisdom of receiving, the gift of living in the light at all times... moving less from constant polarity and understanding the difference when it occurs. Feel the embrace of constantly receiving love as that is your whole being. WE give you rest now.
May 17th, 2021 @ 12:22 PM CST
What if you remembered that you have already done all of this before.. and you had the potential to see all probabilities of what comes next in the now moment... which path or next now moment would you choose?
Would you choose the harder option... The one less traveled just for the experience or would you take a lighter path, something more easy to comprehend?
May 26th, 2021 @ 7:08 AM CST
I know at times it seems difficult, however, trust in yourself and trust in the path that lead you exactly where you are today which is and always will be perfect in every way. You are the designer and the creator, we learn from one another with every now moment. This is your time to create even more. You can do this in the smallest of ways as even your thoughts create, not just your reality but even your conscious realms. With this in mind hopefully you understand that the power of manifestation is simply your own power of creation.
You should relax and enjoy simply being, letting go or shall we say releasing the old trauma which no longer serves you in the now. Presence. Moments. There is so much to be had, pay attention to the heightened senses, increase in sensations or feelings, emotions of touch, smell, sight, visions, alternative solutions to your distractions of your goals, easier coming of resolutions, gifts of joy, happiness and abundant love. You are calling it in and that which you call will seek to find you. It is pure energy. I give you rest now.
July 22nd, 2021 @ 10:35 AM CST
Watch with a peaceful mind the world at play. Seemingly see that not all things are what you only see with your 3rd dimensional eyes. There are many things at work at this time as a major shift in humanity is occurring. This shift will bring about the "new earth" as you so call it. However, it is not this separate planet in the thoughts that you have but rather the same planet on a different playing field. A change in consciousness is occurring at this time, a shift in your humanities perspective to see and feel, like in a uniquely defined and more loving way. Your transition begins now, breathe.. focus on your heart center, use the methods you've learned until you are so comfortable with it that you get to a place where it only happens at the mere thought of doing it. Your activation to transitioning into this co-creation started at the very thought of simply asking the questions of how to get there... this "new earth". With love always - MT GLASS
August 2nd, 2021 @ 11:48 PM CST
What if I told you that you create your own fear... based on what you have been told, learned & then deemed as something to fear. Then just like when you are taught anything that same thought of what to fear is fed over and over to you again & again until you yourself now can state without the benefit of doubt that this "thing" is scary & should be feared and by constantly viewing something as fearful it is then brought into your reality repeatedly until you can learn from it... transmute it and no longer fear it... regardless of that "things" anticipated outcome. Releasing that very thought of the anticipated outcome or the "what if" which is in the future that has yet to occur is one of the beginning stages of releasing your fears.
Love Always,